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Handbook & Procedures

If you have questions, please contact Sherman Academy at 336-271-1517


  1. The first day of learning is August 12, 2024

  2. Parents must bring their child/ren to Sherman Academy.

  3. Sherman Academy’s hours are 8:00-2:00 Monday-Friday

  4. Students can begin arriving at 8:00 Students are tardy after 8:30.

  5. Students will need a change of clothes, extra pairs of gripper socks, and/or slides/flip flops, small blanket and pillow. No book-bags

  6. Students are to put their shoes in their cubby and jackets/coats on the coat rack and go to their seats.


  1. Dismissal is at 2:00, students are late after 2:10

  2. Late fees begin at 2:10; $15 per every five minutes late (This is to pay the staff- member that stays late with your child-give fees directly to them).

  3. After-School students will be taken next door to Sherman’s Drop-In for After-School Services. Be sure to get the enrollment packet for Sherman Drop-In.


  1. Sherman Academy payments are $175 a week. Payments ae made in monthly increments and due on the first of the Month. No exceptions

  2. Payments are due even if your child is absence or if we are closed.

  3. Payments are to be made at Sherman Academy via credit/debit card/tap pay additional fees.

  4. Students cannot attend if payments are not current.


  1. School Supplies are provided by Sherman Academy (paper, pencils, crayons, markers, and erasers, and glue). Donations of any other school supplies are welcome.

  2. Please send a change of clothes (Pre-K & Kindergarten) and extra socks and facemask covering, a small pillow and a light weight/small blanket (these things will remain at Sherman Academy).

  3. Please send Clorox or Lysol Wipes and Lysol spray.


It is our policy to encourage good behavior through positive reinforcement through our Social Emotional Learning curriculum. No staff member will place their hands on a child for any reason. If a child is unable to control his/her behavior after staff has made several efforts, we will contact the parent and ask that the child be picked up. Students may be asked to stay home for a day or more for repeated disruption of learning.

Social Emotional Learning

Sherman Academy uses Social Emotional Learning techniques to address behavior concerns.  Students receive three opportunities to improve behavior.  Sherman Academy makes every effort to ensure that your child’s learning is not interrupted due to the conduct of other students. 

  1. First warning includes a conversation with the student and sometimes an informational phone call home or a brief conversation at dismissal.

  2. Second warning is a conversation with parent, student, and teacher (informal or formal).

  3. Third warning includes Dr. Sherman and parents to discuss student’s dismissal from the Academy.

Bullying/harassment/fighting has no place at Sherman Academy. Violation of this policy will not be tolerated. Violation of this policy includes:

Physical assaults (touching in any way). Harassment (continuously bothering someone), name calling, intimidation, spreading rumors, inappropriate language, joking on another student’s family member are all forms of bullying.

If you are found to be in violation of this policy, you will be suspended between 1-5 day, depending on the severity of the violation.  After a suspension, if violations continue after the first suspension, we reserve the right to refuse service for your child at Sherman Academy. The enforcement of this policy will be the decisions of the owner and not subject to a hearing or an appeal. No payments will be refunded.


We have staff members that are certified in CPR and First Aid. As well as, certified in Basic School Age care (BSAC). However, due to low staffing, Sherman Academy does not have a certified nurse or a certified special needs staff member and therefore cannot provide medical attention beyond reasonable everyday care. We cannot administer any medicine!

  1. Forms must be on file that include the Sherman Academy’s application in its entirety, which includes the medical, video/picture, and the release of liability forms.

Parent Engagement

  1. Parent Engagement is guaranteed to improve student learning according to educational research and data.

  2. Parents are expected to attend parent meetings.

  3. Parents are expected to volunteer with Sherman Academy.

  4. Parents are expected to engage with your student’s learning. If homework or projects are assigned, please support your child with guidance and structure.

  5. Parents are expected to respond to emails, text messages and/or phone calls

  6. We use class-dojo as a form of communication and class involvement-please check daily.


  1. There will be parent meetings every other month (tentatively).

  2. We expect all PARENTS/ STUDENT AND STAFF to behave in a professional manner.

  3. We expect all parents to communicate with their child’s teacher weekly.


  1. Grading is based on standards and will be graded based on the standard being recognized, with a “Beginning of Mastery”, “Striving for Mastery”, and “Mastery”.

  2. We do not accept/allow failing grades-students not performing at Mastery or showing improved learning will have a parent conference with Dr. Sherman-Darden.


  1. When homework is given, please assist your child with their homework and make sure they return it completed. Please make note of resources you may need, things you may not understand, or reasons for not completing the assignments.


Code of Conduct

  • Respect yourself and others

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself (do not touch others)

  • Play nicely, no running

  • Avoid inappropriate language

  • Eat and drink in designated areas

  • Clean up after yourself

  • Say only good things about yourself and about and to others

  • Follow the instructions of your Parents, Dr. Sherman-Darden, your teachers, and other staff members

  • Be respectful of other student’s belongings

  • Take care of school and class materials, equipment, and property

  • Be kind and caring to one another

  • Master your Daily Affirmation, Lord’s Prayer, and Ten Commandments

Immunizations Records

It is Mandatory to have a copy of your child’s immunization records on file. Students cannot attend without this on file.

Dress Code

Students are required to wear clothes that are neat and clean and provides appropriate covering of their bodies so that it does not cause distractions to others or learning.

Field Trips

When Sherman Academy take field trips, we will provide the details and pertinent information at that time. Be sure to sign the field trip permission form.

No Weapons

No weapons of any kind are allowed at Sherman Academy (any violations will be expelled permanently from Sherman Academy).

Academic Expectations

Students at Sherman Academy are expected to work to their full potential and show growth and mastery of their assigned curriculum. Students should be ahead of their peers and learning the next grade curriculum.


Students are expected to attend daily. Excessive absences and tardiness, will result in dismissal from Sherman Academy.


  1. Sherman Academy keeps doors locked at both entrances to our classroom.

  2. Our door monitor notifies staff when someone approaches our front door or lobby.

  3. Sherman Academy has a metal gate that can be used as additional protection.

  4. Students are monitored to keep them safe.

  5. The Marketplace Mall and Sherman Academy does not have armed or unarmed Security Officers on Duty during Sherman Academy’s operational hours.


After-School services are provided by Sherman’s Drop-In, please see Mr. Bryce Sherman for the after-school packet with the policies and guidelines.


Lunch is provided daily. The student's lunch is prepared and served fresh and hot. Students are allowed to receive seconds. Parents do not have to send lunch. 

Inclement Weather

Sherman Academy will follow inclement weather schedules and delays of Winston-Salem Forsyth County Schools unless otherwise notified. However, we will not follow early release days. The safety of everyone is our main priority.


Sherman Academy does not provide transportation.

We appreciate that you have selected Sherman Academy as your child’s learning family! You have made a great sacrifice and investment that you will be very proud of!

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