Success Stories
I would like to say that since deciding to change my daughters school I have not looked back. I can honestly say that without Dr. Sherman and her teaching staff my daughters wouldn’t be as far as they are now. Last school year is when the pandemic hit and with a pre kindergartner and a kindergartner it was so tough and they fell so behind and the school my oldest was attending didn’t care if she fell behind and they did not care if she learned differently than the others. At Sherman Academy it’s the complete opposite. She’s not scared to participate as she was before. After the first two weeks of school she ran to me very excited saying that she was able to raise her hand because she knew the answers and as a mom it warmed my heart because I was getting to a place where I felt I failed her. Maybe I worked to much or maybe I didn’t go over things with her as much as I should’ve. Sherman Academy took that feeling away. Sherman academy is the future and I know that for a fact. With my youngest she gives up on herself a lot and since being there she’s starting to change all of that around. She is getting where she wants to try and if she doesn’t know it she loves learning it. They both are always excited to go to school. It’s not often you hear children getting upset on a Saturday morning because they’re not going to school. Dr. Sherman is always saying how she appreciate us parents but really we should all thank her and the teaching staff for giving our children another option, giving children a chance to actually grow and learn and succeed. Thank you for not considering our children as a number and actually seeing them as the future. I believe that everything happens for a reason and I know that God made things the way they are so that my children would be able to attend the academy. I’m grateful for Dr. Sherman and the teachers at Sherman Academy.
K Williams
Dr. Sherman, “Josiah is up some mornings as early as 6 am “asking” to go to school. He truly loves the environment and both his teachers at the Academy. He loves to make sure we’re up to date on what he’s learned once we get home. He uses bath time as an opportunity to show off his developing addition skills. I thank GOD for you, your vison and all those who have been and are a part of it."
C. Mack
Sherman Academy is such a blessing to us. Dr. Sherman has such a sweet spirit and is a very open communicator. I am thankful for her gift and that she has created such a safe space where children can truly grow, thrive, and feel loved. The environment that Dr. Sherman has created is such a fun learning atmosphere that my 2-year-old fights due to wanting to stay each day. It really is homeschool away from home. My son attends and loves it so much that he awakes before his alarm. EVEN. ON. THE. WEEKENDS. (Laughs). He asks throughout the whole weekend when he'll be able to go back and that speaks volumes! If you're looking for a place where your child's needs are sure to be met, look no further! Sherman Academy does it best!